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Do you know a story about the Zakole Wawerskie that you want to share? Do you have an idea for an action that will help us get to know this place better?
Write to us zakole.waw@gmail.com!

Przemysław Pasek – a fifteen-year leader of the “Ja Wisła” Foundation, organising outdoor education for children and volunteering schemes, such as “The Clean Vistula” (Czysta Wisła) – in conversation with Zuzia Derlacz, 2020. ✺ What is Zakole Wawerskie today? Seen from an aerial perspective, it is a vast green patch on the right bank of […]

About embodied experience of the world, challenges in adopting non-human perspectives, boggy interspecies collaborations and a shift in popular perception of bogs – Krysia Jędrzejewska-Szmek and Olga Roszkowska talk with Iwa Kołodziejska, botanist and anthropologist, just after she leaves the Camera Obscura that we installed in Zakole Wawerskie in July 2020. Iwa: What struck me […]

Zuzia Derlacz talks with dr hab. Wiktor Kotowski, biologist, professor of the University of Warsaw, specialist in the field of wetland ecology and conservation. Originally published in Krzak Papier magazine: www.krzakpapier.pl. Have you ever got bogged down in a mire? I got bogged down many times, but only to the extent that my rubber boot […]