krytykapolityczna.pl mediactivism.eu
Do you know a story about the Zakole Wawerskie that you want to share? Do you have an idea for an action that will help us get to know this place better?
Write to us zakole.waw@gmail.com!

Our activities at Zakole Wawerskie for years 2023-24 are structured within an international project – Testing Ground: Reparative Practices for New Cultural Ecosystem. As part of Jasna 10 – a cultural platform of Stowarzyszenie Im. Stanislawa Brzozowskiego / Krytyka Polityczna from Warsaw, we are working together around one conceptual framework with partner organisations: Kurziv – Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society from Zagreb and Maska Ljubljana. The project is supported by European Union.

Zakole Wawerskie wetland is one of the most interesting natural areas that can still be saved. It is also a place that can serve as a testing ground for our thinking about the city, climate collapse, and the role of communities.